Monday, July 11, 2011

The People Who Work Here: Dan Dunigan

Computer. Check. Catalogue. Check. Customer list. Check. Cowboy hat. Check? T-shirt from an Irish Festival. Check?

Wait a minute…just whose list is this?

Dan Dunigan is about as serious as the next guy in the plating and surface finishing industry. But he also knows what it takes to have fun and get things done.

“In my time at A Brite, I’ve learned that life is a balance,” Dan said. “We know our customers well and because of that, they trust us,” he said.

Dan is responsible for technical sales and service for A Brite Company, the leader in the metal finishing industry for process chemistry and equipment. A Brite is based in Garland, Texas.

“Take as an example our annual trip to the National Association of Surface Finishing (NASF) SUR/FIN trade show,” Dan said. “It is serious business to go and interact with our peers and competitors. But we also have fun and enjoy ourselves while we work.”

The trade show and conference are an annual occurrence for A Brite. Each year the company chooses a theme for its exhibit and each year it draws more people.

“We have competitors and customers alike calling and asking us about our theme before the show,” Dan said. “But even after all these years of doing the show, no one has yet to copy our idea of a themed booth,” he continued.

A graduate of Louisiana Tech University, Dan has a degree in marketing.  But his responsibilities go far beyond just marketing the company.  He is responsible for maintaining critical relationships both within and outside the company.

The industry as well as the company is built on relationships, Dan told us. “The surface finishing industry is like a family, not unlike our company. We all know and care about one another,” Dan said.

Dan and the rest of the A Brite family can be reached at 214-291-0400 or through the website at

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